Unity to the Apple Vision Pro platform

Apple confirmed Vision Pro supports porting Unity apps and games.

Acknowledging the existing Unity VR development community, Apple said "we know there is a community of developers who have been building incredible 3D apps for years" and announced a "deep partnership" with Unity in order to "bring those apps to Vision Pro".

This partnership involved "layering" Unity's real time engine on top of RealityKit, Apple's own high level framework (arguably engine) for building AR apps. This approach means Unity apps can run alongside other visionOS apps in your environment, a concept Apple calls the Shared Space.

Are you interested in building or transferring content developed with Unity to the Apple Vision Pro platform?

Two recently released talks at #WWDC provide a wealth of information on how to get started and what factors to consider!

Here are the links to the talks:



To begin, follow these steps:

Ensure you are using the latest 2022 LTS version of Unity.

For ARKit features, utilise the AR Foundation / ARKit packages (com.unity.xr.arfoundation).

To incorporate ARKit Hands, acquire the hands package (com.unity.xr.hands).

For interaction, employ XRI (com.unity.xr.interaction.toolkit).

If you have a Virtual Reality app, you can develop a fully immersive experience that leverages stereo metal rendering using compositor services. Consider upgrading to URP (Universal Render Pipeline) to take advantage of foveated rendering.

For creating a Mixed Reality app, it will be rendered with Reality Kit, and there are additional considerations:

Determine where your app will exist (this can change dynamically): Window, Volume, or Full Space.

Note that ARKit data is only accessible in a Full Space app. Shared Space apps (Window or Volume) do not have access to ARKit data such as hands, head pose, or planes.

To properly support Material X or utilize standard shaders, custom shaders should be transferred to Unity's Shader Graph.

All ARKit data will be processed through AR Foundation, utilizing the same APIs you are already familiar with, for all ARKit features supported on the Vision Pro platform.

#content #experience #data #change #pipeline #building

JoFF Rae

Producer & Creative / New Media Artist with international cognisance in experiential media, arts & entertainment / developer of creative projects // of Ati Awa / Ko Taranaki te māunga / from Aotearoa / live in New Zealand / reside in the Wellington region / produce via Auckland / work from home, office & studio / presently active in Auckland, Wellington, Calgary, New York, LA, Melbourne & elsewhere / working on working remotely from Costa Del Sol / creative by any means necessary! / Guilty of ART!//


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