iSPARX™ pitch deck *the magical business of AR+

"We deliver high-value advanced technology solutions for artists & arts practitioners to drive exhibition engagement around the world. iSPARX™ AR+ is recognised as a world-leading Augmented Reality Art & GLAM sector platform. We look forward to integrating our technology and leveraging immersive media for more than the arts.“
- Finn Beattie | CEO email | linkedin | medium
Producer & Creative / New Media Artist with international cognisance in experiential media, arts & entertainment / developer of creative projects // of Ati Awa / Ko Taranaki te māunga / from Aotearoa / live in New Zealand / reside in the Wellington region / produce via Auckland / work from home, office & studio / presently active in Auckland, Wellington, Calgary, New York, LA, Melbourne & elsewhere / working on working remotely from Costa Del Sol / creative by any means necessary! / Guilty of ART!//