CASE STUDY : BP AR project
BRIEF : AR - POC location specific spatial AR using BLE beacons & magnetic field mapping.
DATE : 2018
CLIENT : TWO GOATS Agency New York for EY Seren representing BP UK

iSPARX™ was provided a short brief: a real time retail AR engagement for a UK based retailer (“probably 200 locations - tops!”).

To our surprise the brief was a POC for BP with consideration for scale & installation of the BP Global network & 18,500 outlets… with 6 weeks to deliver a POC functional App tested at a location - Melbourne; 3 x 2 week sprints; multiple sets of International flights across 3 continents & with an entourage of 12 (6 x iSPARX™, 2 x Two Goats, 2 x EY & 2 key BP contacts).


Billboard / Telemundo - AR+broadcast


Kereama Taepa AR+artist™